AJ Eisenberg Airport (ODW)

Create a map of flights from AJ Eisenberg Airport in Oak Harbor, United States

DeLaurentis Airport at Oak Harbor is a public use airport located three nautical miles (6 km) southwest of the central business district of Oak Harbor, a city in Island County, Washington, United States. It is privately owned by DFF, LLC. It was formerly known as A.J. Eisenberg Airport owned by A.J. Eisenberg Airport LLC. and Wes Lupien Airport owned by Air International LLC. The airport previously had scheduled passenger service provided by Kenmore Air, which ceased operations to Oak Harbor on December 31, 2008. It was also served by Harbor Airlines, which had its hub at the airport from 1971 to 2001.

Airport Information
NameAJ Eisenberg Airport
CityOak Harbor
CountryUnited States
Elevation (feet)193
WikipediaWikipedia link
KeywordsFormerly 76S, Wes Lupien

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