Baise Youjiang Airport (AEB)

Create a map of flights from Baise Youjiang Airport in Baise (Tianyang), China

Baise (Bose) Bama Airport, formerly Baise (Bose) Youjiang Airport, is a dual-use military and civilian airport serving Baise in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The airport is located in Tianyang County, 48 kilometres (30 mi) from the city center. It was first built in 1965 as the military Tianyang Airport. Expansion of the airport was started in 2005 with an investment of 57 million yuan, and it was reopened as Baise Youjiang Airport in December 2006. On 8 September 2013 it was renamed to Bama Airport.

Airport Information
NameBaise Youjiang Airport
CityBaise (Tianyang)
Elevation (feet)490
WikipediaWikipedia link
KeywordsTian Yang Air Base, Bose airport, 百色右江机场

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