Damascus International Airport (DAM)

Create a map of flights from Damascus International Airport in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

Damascus International Airport is the international airport of Damascus, the capital of Syria. Inaugurated in the mid-1970s, it also was the country's busiest airport. In 2010, an estimated 5.5 million passengers used the airport, an increase of more than 50% since 2004. Damascus International Airport serves as a primary gateway to Syria and is one of the largest airports in the country along with Aleppo International Airport and Latakia International Airport. The ongoing civil war has caused many airlines to terminate their flights to and from Damascus, cutting much of the city's population off from international flights.

Airport Information
NameDamascus International Airport
CountrySyrian Arab Republic
Elevation (feet)2020
WikipediaWikipedia link
Keywordsمطار دمشق الدولي

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