Easterwood Field (CLL)

Create a map of flights from Easterwood Field in College Station, United States

Easterwood Airport is a regional airport in College Station, Texas, serving Texas A&M University, Bryan-College Station, and Brazos County, Texas. Accessed via FM 60, it is 3 miles (4.8 km) southwest of the center of College Station, and 0.25 miles (0.40 km) from Texas A&M University. There is no public transportation from Easterwood Airport to the surrounding cities; however, in the fall of 2019, a new university bus route was established to connect Easterwood Airport with the Engineering Quad and the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center. The airport bus route is available only to those with a University ID or Brazos Transit District ID. Despite owning and managing the airport, there are no aviation courses at the university.

Airport Information
NameEasterwood Field
CityCollege Station
CountryUnited States
Elevation (feet)320
WikipediaWikipedia link

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