Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU)

Create a map of flights from Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport in São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo/Guarulhos–Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, commonly known as São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport, is the primary international airport serving São Paulo. It is popularly known locally as either Cumbica Airport, after the district where it is located and the Brazilian Air Force base that exists at the airport complex, or Guarulhos Airport, after the municipality of Guarulhos, in the state of São Paulo, where it is located. Since November 28, 2001, the airport has been named after André Franco Montoro (1916–1999), former Governor of São Paulo state. The airport was rebranded as GRU Airport in 2012.

Airport Information
NameGuarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport
CitySão Paulo
Elevation (feet)2461
WikipediaWikipedia link

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