Hohhot Baita International Airport (HET)

Create a map of flights from Hohhot Baita International Airport in Hohhot, China

Hohhot Baita International Airport is an international airport serving Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, China. It is the largest airport in Inner Mongolia and lies 14.3 km (8.9 mi) east of downtown Hohhot. Its name Baita, meaning White Pagoda, derives from Wanbu Huayanjing Pagoda; one of the historical attractions in Hohhot which lies 5.6 km (3.5 mi) south-east of the airport. In 2013 it served 6,150,282 passengers.

Airport Information
NameHohhot Baita International Airport
Elevation (feet)3556
WikipediaWikipedia link

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