Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM)

Create a map of flights from Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima, Peru

Jorge Chávez International Airport is the main international airport serving Lima, the capital of Peru. It is located in Callao, 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) northwest of Lima Center, the nation's capital city and 17 kilometers (11 mi) from the district of Miraflores. In 2023, the airport served 22,876,785 passengers. Historically, the airport was the hub for Compañía de Aviación Faucett and Aeroperú. Now it serves as a hub for many aviation companies. The airport was named after Peruvian aviator Jorge Chávez (1887–1910). It is among the busiest and largest airports in South America.

Airport Information
NameJorge Chávez International Airport
Elevation (feet)113
WikipediaWikipedia link
KeywordsSPIM, SPJC

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