Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport (OSR)

Create a map of flights from Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport in Mošnov, Czech Republic

Leoš Janáček Airport Ostrava, formerly Ostrava-Mošnov International Airport, is the airport of the city of Ostrava in the Czech Republic, a major economic and industrial centre. It is located 20 km (12 mi) to the southwest of the city and also acts as a point of entry to northern Moravia and Czech Silesia. The airport was renamed in December 2006 after the composer Leoš Janáček.

Airport Information
NameOstrava Leos Janáček Airport
CountryCzech Republic
Elevation (feet)844
WikipediaWikipedia link
KeywordsOstrava-Mošnov International Airport

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