Rewa Airport, Chorhata, REWA (REW)

Create a map of flights from Rewa Airport, Chorhata, REWA in Rewa, India

Rewa Airport is a domestic airport, which serves the city of Rewa, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is located at Chorhata, 11 km (6.8 mi) away from the city centre. The airport is part of the government's UDAN regional connectivity scheme. The airport is connected by flights to Jabalpur and Singrauli under the PM Shri Tourism Air Services operated by the Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB). The airport is also connected by flights to Bhopal and Khajuraho operated by Flybig.

Airport Information
NameRewa Airport, Chorhata, REWA
Elevation (feet)1000
WikipediaWikipedia link

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