Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO)

Create a map of flights from Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, Russian Federation

Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport is one of four international airports that serve the city of Moscow. It is the busiest airport in Russia, as well as the 11th-busiest airport in Europe. Originally built as a military airbase, Sheremetyevo was converted into a civilian airport in 1959. The airport was originally named after a nearby village, and a 2019 contest extended the name to include the name of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.

Airport Information
NameSheremetyevo International Airport
CountryRussian Federation
Elevation (feet)622
WikipediaWikipedia link
KeywordsMOW, Международный аэропорт Шереметьево, svo, sheremetyevo, moscow

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