Valley International Airport (HRL)

Create a map of flights from Valley International Airport in Harlingen, United States

Valley International Airport (VIA) is owned by the city of Harlingen, in Cameron County, Texas, United States. It is operated by a nine-member airport board appointed by the mayor. HRL is centrally located in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) and is referred to as the "Gateway to South Padre Island" with travel amenities and door to door transportation to South Padre Island. With over 2,500 acres (1,000 ha) HRL is the largest airport in the RGV with room for future expansion. HRL has the longest runways in the area with modern aircraft approach systems that minimize chances of delays during bad weather.

Airport Information
NameValley International Airport
CountryUnited States
Elevation (feet)36
WikipediaWikipedia link

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