Xi'an Xianyang International Airport (XIY)

Create a map of flights from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport in Xianyang (Weicheng), China

Xi'an Xianyang International Airport is an international airport serving the city of Xi'an, the capital of Northwest China’s Shaanxi province, as well as the whole Guanzhong area. Covering an area of 5 square kilometres (1.9 sq mi), it is the largest airport in Northwest China, and the second largest airport in Northern China. The airport was the hub for China Northwest Airlines until the company was merged into China Eastern Airlines in 2002. Xi'an Airport is also the hub for Joy Air and Hainan Airlines. Xi'an Xianyang International Airport is a Skytrax 4-star airport.

Airport Information
NameXi'an Xianyang International Airport
CityXianyang (Weicheng)
Elevation (feet)1572
WikipediaWikipedia link
Keywords西安咸阳国际机场, Xian

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